We are an authorized North American dealer for Bontempi, and order Bontempi items directly through our San Francisco showroom, specifically the Bontempi Casa and US Quick Delivery products, which are in stock in the USA and ship to you in two weeks. Contact us for details.
Bontempi Casa Quick Delivery 2014 (3.1MB pdf)
Vision of the Future:
Bontempi looks to the future with its roots firmly set in the history and tradition of an Italian company that spreads ideas and products throughout the world. It looks to the future with the intention of playing an increasing bigger role as a group of international importance in the field of contemporary home furnishings, with a generous offer of modern and identified products able to cater for the different furnishing requirements of modern homes.
In 1963 Alessandro and Giancarlo Bontempi, already knowledgeable in the artisan manufacturing of metal, open Mobilfer, a manufacturing facility specializing in the production of tables and chairs While Giancarlo was overseeing the production line, Alessandro developed the 1st distribution network which just a few years later in 1967 led to the production of 15,000 chairs and 1,600 tables accounting for 750,000 Euros in sales.
Bontempi is becoming synonymous with contemporary home furnishings worldwide with a collection featuring continuous innovation positioned to satisfy the ever-growing demand of modern life styles.