All these great-looking pieces of furniture? Of course you can sit on them. Put your feet up, lean back, dip a chip, sip a Seltzer, and chill out on an original Quinze & Milan. Just keep in mind that Quinze & Milan collections go beyond furniture design.
Quinze & Milan products are statements, and prompt you to spin tales, to dream and to shape a reality all your own. These are designer pieces that imbue a space with meaning by skirting the edges of all that is obvious. Pieces that exude energy and push the envelope of design. From the outset, Quinze & Milan used the slogan 'Creators of Atmosphere': a piece of furniture was not an aim in itself but a medium for a lifestyle that set out to challenge the reigning minimalism: wild and sexy, carefree and fun, loud and outrageous. Even the most respectable and critical international trade magazines soon welcomed Q&M as the pop star of furniture and the bad boys of the design world: a bit of punk, but also a bit of Prada.
Quinze & Milan is not a typical furniture label but an avant-garde platform for collaborations, a think tank and factory for ideas, designs, visual culture, concepts and experiments.
It's this approach that made Quinze & Milan turn into a successful label that guarantees rock 'n roll, creativity, comfort, quality, excitement and ingenuity.
Visit Quinze & Milan's website here.